4Growth will collect “ground truth” data via 7 observatories across Europe. The data gathered will investigate several parameters, including how respondents have adopted/used digital technologies, where and how they use them, what benefits they experience, what barriers there are to uptake etc. Each observatory partner will cultivate their own networks, known as the “4Growth Observatory Ecosystems”, to establish and tap into rich sources of data stemming from the likes of agricultural/forestry associations, cooperatives, data coalitions, R&I bodies etc.
Through an analysis of technological, economic, societal, regulatory, and nature-related indicators, the Market Monitoring and Forecasting Tool (MMFT) will enable decision makers to monitor digital agriculture and forestry markets as well as forecast the future uptake of various digital technologies. The tool will consider numerous digital agriculture and forestry technologies, applications, and subsectors as possible. The MMFT will have global coverage alongside an increased focus on European markets.
4Growth will also provide a holistic, accessible, and wider picture of possible long-term future pathways of digital agriculture and forestry. The module will follow two major workstreams and elements. The first is a continuous monitoring and scanning process, producing regular “Future of Digital Agriculture & Forestry – Horizon Scanning Reports”. The second major element in the foresight module is the development of holistic long-term framework scenarios or visions for digital agriculture and forestry in Europe.
4Growth will showcase the uptake through the “4Growth Visualisation Platform” that will combine powerful storytelling with advanced visualisation of market data. Through interaction with the platform, users will see where and how different technologies are being implemented in their sectors of choice, the associated benefits and profitability of given sectors and sub-sectors because of technology adoption and how future regulations/economic conditions/technological developments are likely to affect all of this. This rich information will help potential adopters of digital technologies reduce their investment risk and catalyze further uptake.
This grid will gather field level data via the observatories and will document a plethora of variables regarding how agriculture and forestry value chain actors adopted digital technologies; how do these technologies integrate in their workflows; what are the associated costs and pre-requisites in terms of organisational structure, skills, workforce, etc. Data will be used to finetune the assumptions in the econometric model of the market monitoring and forecasting tool. The grid will be a capacity building tool offered to the wider community in a free and open access manner.